Welcome. You have stumbled onto a digital kitchen. I'm your chef, Ricky Andres. Enjoy!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
You Gotta Keep Up Bro!
It's Like I Told You Yesterday
"If I see you there your dead, understand me...dead. And you owe me a beer before you die."
site: http://www.parttimepunks.com
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cmO1HaTiNk
Have You Watched Your Doc Today?
Anyone who's ever conversed with me about film, mainly documentary film knows how I feel about the indirect abuse of power by cable television and their mash-ups of fact and popular news. Not to mention the view askew teachings of documentarians like Michael Moore and every other pseudo-celebrity that vomits into the ocean of do it yourself video. I'm not a hater, just making a point as some do when there is clearly a divide amongst boys and men. Unbiased as I am, here are the men. The boys you can find on your own. Enjoy, enlighten and dive into docs.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
These Kids Don't Play Like Kids
.Where's Your Dirty Mind?
.Truth Sets In
at Mr. T's Bowl (3/22)
Why We Need Super Heroes
Thursday, February 28, 2008
You may be from L.A. if...
Taken from the FaceBook Group, You may be from L.A. if...
You know at least 4 kids that drive nicer cars than the majority of the world.
You're known instantly from your rep.
You get very insulted when some one says that they too are from L.A., but then you find out they're from Downy or some butt fuck place like that.
You've been to Downy and hated it.
Santee Alley means something to you.
You know what chrome hearts is and if and when you wear/see it, you feel a sense of pride knowing that it reps where you're from.
You like The Game. Just because.
The beach is very close, but you don't end up there that much.
Most of the girls you know go to tanning salons, even though the beach is 5 miles away.
When it rains, you get extremely confused.
You try to avoid the 405 at all costs between 4 pm to 7 pm. Some times 7:30 pm, just to be safe.
You know some one, who knows some one, who knows some one, who knows some one that can get you into a club.
You know some one who can legitimately get you in to a club.
You know that that some one will probably never get you into a club because they'll forget about you, but you still kick it with them any way.
You know what Ramma Gennies is.
You DO NOT like the Valley and try AT ALL COSTS to stay south of the where the 405 North breaks off into the 101- north because that means that you've gone to far.
You know what a real Mexican gangster looks like.
You know guys that take better care of them selves than girls. And it's socially acceptable.
You keep it real 24/7.
When you go out of town, people instantly know that you are from L.A. because of the way you dress.
You know Masa is and quite frankly, not that good. It's just open and very close to Sunset so its a convenience and of course they've got Left Coast brew on tap.
You love Melrose. And Melrose means something to you.
You've seen celebrities walking around and you don't get that excited - you live in L.A. Big whoop.
Although, when you did see your favorite celebrity, you nearly shit a brick and called every one on your phone.
You keep people in your phone that you know you will never call, but they remain in your phone book just incase...
You know that Hammi is ghetto, Samo is like Hammi, Culver is not that gangsta, and Beverly is really rich.
You know tons of kids that go to private schools.
You know/knew (in high school) that AAAAAAAAAAAALLL of the fine girls came form Lycee France.
You know/knew that AAAAAALL the really easy girls came from Marlborough or Marymount.
You know/knew/were some one who hooked up with one of the girls from the above schools.
You DO NOT LIKE NOR CAL for any truly legitimate reason. You just REALLY REALLY do not like Nor Cal.
You like San Diego, but its not L.A.
You know kids from Orange County and you know that they are really weird.
You keep it real 24/7 cuz you're from L.A.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Woody Allen
"The final close-up of the man/child Allen, as he hears the sobering news that 'You have to have a little faith in people' from his 17-year-old girlfriend, ranks with the most iconic and heartbreaking endings in cinema history--second only to perhaps that last shot of Chaplin in City Lights. This is not just a movie for New Yorkers or posers or film critics-- it is both a time capsule and an instruction manual for modern man. (Women are free to thumb through it as well, but they always want to tear out the pictures!)
"Manhattan isn't just great, it's the kind of movie that makes you wish you'd made it. No, I'll go further still: Manhattan makes you wish you were a better person."
-- Neil LaBute, filmmaker (In the Company of Men, The Wicker Man)
As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree' -- probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on.
Eighty percent of success is showing up.
Eternal nothingness is fine if you happen to be dressed for it.
His lack of education is more than compensated for by his keenly developed moral bankruptcy.
How can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?
How is it possible to find meaning in a finite world, given my waist and shirt size?
I am at two with nature.
I can't listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland.
I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it through not dying.
I tended to place my wife under a pedestal.
I took a speed reading course and read 'War and Peace' in twenty minutes. It involves Russia.
I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.
I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown.
If it turns out that there is a God, I don't think that he's evil. But the worst that you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever.
If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name in a Swiss bank.
Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought-- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things.
It is impossible to experience one's death objectively and still carry a tune.
It is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, and certainly not desirable, as one's hat keeps blowing off.
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.
Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon.
Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
Most of the time I don't have much fun. The rest of the time I don't have any fun at all.
My education was dismal. I went to a series of schools for mentally disturbed teachers.
My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.
Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on weekends.
On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done just as easily lying down.
Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year and spends very little on office supplies.
Students achieving Oneness will move on to Twoness.
The government is unresponsive to the needs of the little man. Under 5'7", it is impossible to get your congressman on the phone.
Mixtape/LA 1986 (Compton)
I knew this kid from Brooklyn. He said my favorite rapper was garbage. Yes, garbage. I guess he - being from Brooklyn had some sort of advantage in rapper ratings or something - they did invent the shit. I took the comment in stride instead of going cold Brooklyn in that ass via Los Angeles. We were at work - so, not even if I could. But I never forgave that comment, until today of course.
I ran across this mix recorded of then, DJ Dr. Dre (pre-NWA) mixing dozens of records on a typical Saturday at the Rodium swap meet in Compton. I got my first Transformer at that swap meet and my mom always got her blenders there. It's masterfully crafted and blends everything from classic hip-hop to classic rock.
What I dig most is how good Dr. Dre is as a DJ and how my so called "garbage" rapper comes shining through (4:30) rapping purely beyond his years with a bold, new style that is to come and become copied by so many rappers to follow. This is a classic - mixed during a time when hip hop was merely sixteen. These rap songs from 1986 tell you hip hop is more than ready to drive, it's ready to fuck.
Download Here:
Killing The Blues
Killing The Blues by Alison Krauss & Robert Plant
Leaves were falling, just like embers,
In colors red and gold, they set us on fire
Burning just like moonbeams in our eyes.
Somebody said they saw me, swinging the world by the tail
Bouncing over a white cloud, killing the blues.
Now I'm guilty of something...
I hope you never do
Because there is nothing
Any sadder than losing yourself in love.
And then you've ask me... just to leave you
To set out on my own
And get what I needed.
You want me to find what I've already had.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Way Wolves Think
“As a child I felt myself to be alone, and I am still, because I know things and must hint at things which others apparently know nothing of, and for the most part do not want to know.” – Jung
“For me, being with people or even with one beloved person for any length of time without solitude is even worse (than loneliness). I feel dispersed, scattered, in pieces. I must have time alone to mull over any encounter and to extract its juice, its essence, to understand what has really happened to me as a consequence of it.” – May Sarton
“To the deserts go prophets and hermits, through deserts go pilgrims and exiles. Here the leaders of the great religions have sought the therapeutic and spiritual values of retreat, not to escape but to find reality.” – Wallace Stegner
“I love all waste and solitary places where we taste the pleasures of believing what we see is boundless, as we wish our souls to be.” – Shelley “Julian and Maddalo”
“If thou fill thy brain with Boston and New York, with fashion and covetousness and wilt stimulate thy jaded senses with wine and French coffee, thou shalt find no radiance of wisdom in the lonely waste of the pinewoods. On the brink of the waters of life and truth, we are miserably dying.” – Emerson
From a Sarajevo War Survivor
Experiencing horrible things that can happen in a war - death of parents and friends, hunger and malnutrition, endless freezing cold, fear, sniper attacks.
1. Stockpiling helps. but you never no how long trouble will last, so locate near renewable food sources.
2. Living near a well with a manual pump is like being in Eden.
3. After awhile, even gold can lose its luster. But there is no luxury in war quite like toilet paper. Its surplus value is greater than gold's.
4. If you had to go without one utility, lose electricity - it's the easiest to do without (unless you're in a very nice climate with no need for heat.)
5. Canned foods are awesome, especially if their contents are tasty without heating. One of the best things to stockpile is canned gravy - it makes a lot of the dry unappetizing things you find to eat in war somewhat edible. Only needs enough heat to "warm", not to cook. It's cheap too, especially if you buy it in bulk.
6. Bring some books - escapist ones like romance or mysteries become more valuable as the war continues. Sure, it's great to have a lot of survival guides, but you'll figure most of that out on your own anyway - trust me, you'll have a lot of time on your hands.
7. The feeling that you're human can fade pretty fast. I can't tell you how many people I knew who would have traded a much needed meal for just a little bit of toothpaste, rouge, soap or cologne. Not much point in fighting if you have to lose your humanity. These things are morale-builders like nothing else.
8. Slow burning candles and matches, matches, matches
100 items to disappear first
1. Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. Noisy...target of thieves; maintenance etc.)
2. Water Filters/Purifiers
3. Portable Toilets
4. Seasoned Firewood. Wood takes about 6 - 12 months to become dried, for home uses.
5. Lamp Oil, Wicks, Lamps (First Choice: Buy CLEAR oil. If scarce, stockpile ANY!)
6. Coleman Fuel. Impossible to stockpile too much.
7. Guns, Ammunition, Pepper Spray, Knives, Clubs, Bats & Slingshots.
8. Hand-can openers, & hand egg beaters, whisks.
9. Honey/Syrups/white, brown sugar
10. Rice - Beans - Wheat
11. Vegetable Oil (for cooking) Without it food burns/must be boiled etc.,)
12. Charcoal, Lighter Fluid (Will become scarce suddenly)
13. Water Containers (Urgent Item to obtain.) Any size. Small: HARD CLEAR PLASTIC ONLY - note - food grade if for drinking.
16. Propane Cylinders (Urgent: Definite shortages will occur.
17. Survival Guide Book.
18. Mantles: Aladdin, Coleman, etc. (Without this item, longer-term lighting is difficult.)
19. Baby Supplies: Diapers/formula. ointments/aspirin, etc.
20. Washboards, Mop Bucket w/wringer (for Laundry)
21. Cookstoves (Propane, Coleman & Kerosene)
22. Vitamins
23. Propane Cylinder Handle-Holder (Urgent: Small canister use is dangerous without this item)
24. Feminine Hygiene/Haircare/Skin products.
25. Thermal underwear (Tops & Bottoms)
26. Bow saws, axes and hatchets, Wedges (also, honing oil)
27. Aluminum Foil Reg. & Heavy Duty (Great Cooking and Barter Item)
28. Gasoline Containers (Plastic & Metal)
29. Garbage Bags (Impossible To Have Too Many).
30. Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Paper Towels
31. Milk - Powdered & Condensed (Shake Liquid every 3 to 4 months)
32. Garden Seeds (Non-Hybrid) (A MUST)
33. Clothes pins/line/hangers (A MUST)
34. Coleman's Pump Repair Kit
35. Tuna Fish (in oil)
36. Fire Extinguishers (or..large box of Baking Soda in every room)
37. First aid kits
38. Batteries (all sizes...buy furthest-out for Expiration Dates)
39. Garlic, spices & vinegar, baking supplies
40. Big Dogs (and plenty of dog food)
41. Flour, yeast & salt
42. Matches. {"Strike Anywhere" preferred.) Boxed, wooden matches will go first
43. Writing paper/pads/pencils, solar calculators
44. Insulated ice chests (good for keeping items from freezing in Wintertime.)
45. Workboots, belts, Levis & durable shirts
46. Flashlights/LIGHTSTICKS & torches, "No. 76 Dietz" Lanterns
47. Journals, Diaries & Scrapbooks (jot down ideas, feelings, experience; Historic Times)
48. Garbage cans Plastic (great for storage, water, transporting - if with wheels)
49. Men's Hygiene: Shampoo, Toothbrush/paste, Mouthwash/floss, nail clippers, etc
50. Cast iron cookware (sturdy, efficient)
51. Fishing supplies/tools
52. Mosquito coils/repellent, sprays/creams
53. Duct Tape
54. Tarps/stakes/twine/nails/rope/spikes
55. Candles
56. Laundry Detergent (liquid)
57. Backpacks, Duffel Bags
58. Garden tools & supplies
59. Scissors, fabrics & sewing supplies
60. Canned Fruits, Veggies, Soups, stews, etc.
61. Bleach (plain, NOT scented: 4 to 6% sodium hypochlorite)
62. Canning supplies, (Jars/lids/wax)
63. Knives & Sharpening tools: files, stones, steel
64. Bicycles...Tires/tubes/pumps/chains, etc
65. Sleeping Bags & blankets/pillows/mats
66. Carbon Monoxide Alarm (battery powered)
67. Board Games, Cards, Dice
68. d-con Rat poison, MOUSE PRUFE II, Roach Killer
69. Mousetraps, Ant traps & cockroach magnets
70. Paper plates/cups/utensils (stock up, folks)
71. Baby wipes, oils, waterless & Antibacterial soap (saves a lot of water)
72. Rain gear, rubberized boots, etc.
73. Shaving supplies (razors & creams, talc, after shave)
74. Hand pumps & siphons (for water and for fuels)
75. Soysauce, vinegar, bullions/gravy/soupbase
76. Reading glasses
77. Chocolate/Cocoa/Tang/Punch (water enhancers)
78. "Survival-in-a-Can"
79. Woolen clothing, scarves/ear-muffs/mittens
80. Boy Scout Handbook, / also Leaders Catalog
81. Roll-on Window Insulation Kit (MANCO)
82. Graham crackers, saltines, pretzels, Trail mix/Jerky
83. Popcorn, Peanut Butter, Nuts
84. Socks, Underwear, T-shirts, etc. (extras)
85. Lumber (all types)
86. Wagons & carts (for transport to and from)
87. Cots & Inflatable mattress's
88. Gloves: Work/warming/gardening, etc.
89. Lantern Hangers
90. Screen Patches, glue, nails, screws,, nuts & bolts
91. Teas
92. Coffee
93. Cigarettes
94. Wine/Liquors (for bribes, medicinal, etc,)
95. Paraffin wax
96. Glue, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, etc.
97. Chewing gum/candies
98. Atomizers (for cooling/bathing)
99. Hats & cotton neckerchiefs
100. Goats/chickens
My first eclipse of the moon.
But I’m not that smart so I drove on and stored that into the X-files. However, with the help of traffic, some moment s later - I noticed the moon had progressed into a sliver of itself hanging in the sky - the rest still seen underneath a swirling smoke of dark sun. I stared from my car window in awe that I was seeing something unique. A disaster could have unfolded in the sky and I expected fate's timing as right. But, thankfully I was safe in my little round car.
I realize millions had possibly witnessed the phenomenon, though I saw it while in traffic, through my car window on my way home. Just as I saw the breathtaking Griffith Park Fires, the hypnotized gaze on drivers faces the morning of 9/11 and the feeling of emptiness as I traveled the highway to my family to tell them of my sisters passing. My moving vessels have held more feelings than any relationship I've ever had (except you, Jessica). I’m glad we shared the moon together last night (not you, the car). To add, I didn't know it was an eclipse until I saw it on the cover of the LA Times this morning - glad it wasn't a space monster.